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Rich-Way Landscape Design Collierville Tn | 901-853-9590

The Perfect Plants & Flowers For Fall

There is a joke in Memphis that we rarely get to experience a fall season, just a second summer, and then it’s winter. Still, the season officially changed to fall on September 1st, and luckily, we do get to see the beautiful fall colors even if the cool weather of fall sometimes takes a minute to catch up.  

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Full Sun vs. Shade Plants 

Believe it or not, some people do not realize the importance of planting their new flowers, plants, shrubs, or even trees in the correct place in their yard. Recently, a friend of Rich-Way Landscape talked about how when she was young and had just purchased her first house, she was so excited to start working on her flowerbed. She admitted that she was a bit naïve when she shopped, putting out tons of mulch and picking out an assortment of beautiful flowers and plants, never checking the tag to see if they should be planted in direct sunlight or shade.  

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Staying Cool with Southern Shade Trees

Rich-Way Landscape

Although summer is the peak time for outdoor activities, such as barbecues and bonfires, southern temperatures can reach upwards of 100 degrees. When it’s that hot outside, staying indoors seems like a far better idea. However, especially if you’ve been waiting desperately for the summer months, staying inside to avoid the heat can seem like a bit of a waste. Waste no longer! With effective landscaping, your yard can become the perfect summer paradise, even when the temperatures get high. There are plenty of ways to keep your green space cool in the heat, but one of the most natural ways is with the help of shade trees. Take a few tips from Rich-Way Landscape to better utilize your summer space!

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Entertaining Guests with Functional Landscapes

Rich-Way Landscape

With the summer months right around the corner, there are plenty of opportunities to get outside and be with friends and family. Whether you are hosting a birthday party for family or having a few friends over for the 4th of July, you want your space to be ready for company. Unless you are a landscape professional, knowing where to start with your outdoor space can seem a bit daunting, especially if you have not used it in a while. But that’s where Rich-Way Landscape comes in! Whether you want a quaint garden or a functional extension of your home, we’ll give you a few tips on landscape design elements for entertaining, and help you get the outdoor space of your dreams!

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When is the Best Time to Plant Perennials? – Living in the Mid-South

Rich-Way Landscaping

There’s nothing better than having a lush landscape surrounding your home or business. However, there’s a right and a wrong time to get to work on your home’s landscape, especially when it comes to planting foliage. When is the best time to plant perennials? Putting fresh perennials in your landscape too early or too late in the season can result in their failure to thrive, as well as cost you extra cash. Never sacrifice your landscape aesthetics for impatience, and get to the root of planting perennials properly. 

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Start Fighting Spring Weeds by Treating Your Bermuda Grass Now

Rich-Way Landscape

What Weeds Should I Look For?

As the weather begins to warm back up, starting to treat Bermuda grass lawns is a must for keeping hard-to-kill spring weeds away. The two most common spring weed types in these lawns are grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds, both of which include common, stubborn plants that could choke out your yard. Grassy weeds to look out for are crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, and more. The most common broadleaf weeds include the notorious dandelion, and chickweed. Specific weed types will depend on your area, but knowing the most common will help with specific maintenance tactics. If you can identify the right plant, you can better make informed choices on what products to buy, and what services to employ. 

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Extreme Weather and Your Landscape

Rich-Way Landscape

Severe weather often comes with little warning and can leave you to clean up the mess around your home and landscaping. Although winter may be brutal with hail and snowstorms, spring, summer, and fall can bring equally destructive weather such as wind, drought, and rainstorms. Combined, extreme weather can harm your greenery in less than desired ways. Understanding the effects of certain weather conditions can ensure you are prepared to deal with the fallout, and help you communicate better with your landscape professionals. Extreme conditions may be unexpected, but Rich-Way Landscape knows how to keep you and your greenery prepared. 

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Winter Weed Control for Your Lawn

Rich-Way Landscaping

Not all weeds freeze away with the winter. Especially in the southern United States, mild temperatures allow for weeds to thrive during the winter, exposing themselves and distributing seeds come spring. These seeds will continue the cycle all over again, leaving homeowners with a mess to clean up on their lawns. Some of these weeds are especially troublesome, such as winter broadleaf annuals. This category of weeds includes lawn burweed, common chickweed, henbit, and more. The onset of winter may provide homeowners some relief, but to keep lawns from being damaged come spring, winter weed control for your lawn needs to start early. 

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Winterizing your Lawn and Landscape with Rich-Way

Rich-Way Landscape

Fall is a gorgeous time of year as the evenings become cooler and the leaves change colors. With the temperature changes it is also time to temporarily say goodbye to our beautiful flowers and blooming shrubs. Do not worry though, we will be seeing these beauties again in the Spring and Summer. It is time to protect and winterize the yard with plenty of mulch which serves as a blanket and helps insulate plants, trees, and shrubs. Winterizing your lawn and landscape with Rich-Way Landscaping. Here are a few other tips to keep in mind as the leaves fall, and temperatures drop: 

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Call Rich-Way Landscape at 901-853-9590 for more details.

Serving Memphis, Collierville and Germantown.